Monday, May 14, 2012

So, its been a while

I can't remember the last time I updated this blog.  Actually I can, after I re-read the posts I had written two years before.  It seems the world has changed a great deal, personally and professionally, between then and now.  So let my "first post in a while" illuminate said changes.

Here's what's changed:

1.  I had gotten accepted, attended, and graduated from a MA program in historical studies at Duquesne University.

2. I have two new jobs: the first is a promotion from clerk to Library Assistant or LA and the second is an adjunct position at CCAC

3. I have grown and matured in more ways than I can shake a stick at.

4. I'm a published author in several academic journals/encyclopedias/books.

5. I can drive and have my own vehicle.

6. I have begun- and will finish- a Day Zero Project (see the "Day Zero Project" page for details)

So what can you, my loyal reader, expect from my blog?  Well, a bit of everything I suppose.  You can learn how someone prepares for a 5K, creates a charity, starts their life as a teacher and all that jazz.  More to the point, by placing myself further on the "grid" you, and anyone else that stumbles across this page, gets access to me: personally, professionally, and everything else in between.

Feel free to give feedback, to argue, complain, or agree with me.  Link me to your own blog, get inspired and inspire me.  Then, let's see what we can make of this thing called "life."

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