Please, only jelly fish! |
Graduate school ruined a lot of my healthy life habits. It was simply the demands from classes and work that prevented me from really paying attention to the more important detailed aspects of life. Now that I've graduated I'm looking forward to being able to get back into the healthy habits that I value so much, especially the green ones. While it would be completely overwhelming to jump back into my older self, I opted to make three small changes to my daily routine: carry a reusable water bottle, reusable coffee mug, and reusable bag with me. Does it make a difference? I'd say so. On an average day out I tend to stop for two cups of coffee, drink about three bottles of water, and take a number of plastic bags home. Thats a lot of unnecessary waste. Every cup of coffee uses sometimes two cups, as coffee houses want the cups to be cooler to the touch for customers, and water bottles, when you're out and about in the city, can't always be recycled. Finally, plastic bags are not biodegradable, and become hazardous waste for marine life (especially sea turtles, who often mistake them for jellyfish, their daily staple). By carting about three small things, I'm capable of lessening my waste, my carbon footprint, and feel better about how I treat our Mother Earth.
Later, kids!
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